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        1 - comparative research taught adam the names in interpretation of Allameh Jafari and allameh tabatabai
        Based on interpretations, something that leds the human to the highest position between creations, and puts him in the position of Caliph of Allah and the prostration of angles, depends on the same teaching of names. So, meditation and contemplation in this issue, is a More
        Based on interpretations, something that leds the human to the highest position between creations, and puts him in the position of Caliph of Allah and the prostration of angles, depends on the same teaching of names. So, meditation and contemplation in this issue, is a big step in the formation of personality and cultural infrastructure of human. This study, known as comparative research taught adam the names in interpretation of Quran of Allama Tabatabai and interpretation of Masnavi of Allameh Jafari, tried to fill the common and specific to each of the scholars Rabbani in this matter. Apart from common methods of scientific, intellectual, religious and knowledge, something that be considered as specific approach to each of these scholars Rabbani In interpreting the Quranic themes, is the interpretation of Quran to Quran commentary of Allameh Tabatabai and enter the field of psychological, anthropological and sociological, of Allameh Jafari. Including common views on the subject of these interpretations is the purpose of names here is the objective facts of the universe and the objects outside that included the intelligent creatures and purpose of the issue of teaching names is that God discovered and revealed the truth to people. Special comments of Allameh Tabatabai on this issue is that the names mentioned, and with their squash were organisms with life, science and unobtrusive behind a veil and God taught the people (Part of) the unseen of the heavens and the earth and Allameh Jafari also believes that the science of human has all the facts of the created world not the world that spirit is documented in it. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Ruling Divorce: Quranic Principles and Reasons
        Seyyed MohammadKazem  Hoseini Faezeh  Moghtadaee
        Women's Rights and the Issue of Women's Rights in Divorce in the commentaries on verses 228 to 241 of Surah Al-Baqarah, there are common concepts and interpretations between Shiite and Sunni jurists. The two well-known concepts of abstinence in the interpretations of th More
        Women's Rights and the Issue of Women's Rights in Divorce in the commentaries on verses 228 to 241 of Surah Al-Baqarah, there are common concepts and interpretations between Shiite and Sunni jurists. The two well-known concepts of abstinence in the interpretations of the differences refer to the divorce of the Shari'a and the right of a woman to divorce in times of hardship. The famous word is used 38 times in the Holy Quran, 15 of which are related to family and marriage. In verses 228 to 241 of Surah Al-Baqarah, the famous word is repeated 12 times and emphasizes the importance of rulings such as' iddah, divorce, breastfeeding, etc., so that it does not exceed the shari'ah limits and is treated according to the famous (confirmation of sharia and custom). The legal provisions of the Civil Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran are also taken from the verses related to divorce and include the well-known principles in women's rights and divorce and allow the rulers to issue a divorce decree if the conditions for this type of divorce are approved. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Comparing Imam Khomeini's (RA) interpretation of Surah Hamad with Allameh Tabataba'i
        Aqila  Musa Nia Ali Akbar  Afrasiab pour maryam Bakhtiar
        The most important source of Islamic religious teachings is the Qur'an, whose interpretation and study of chapters and verses has been the focus of discussion in scientific and religious circles since the beginning of Islam. One of the most important surahs of the Qur'a More
        The most important source of Islamic religious teachings is the Qur'an, whose interpretation and study of chapters and verses has been the focus of discussion in scientific and religious circles since the beginning of Islam. One of the most important surahs of the Qur'an is surah Hamd, which religious scholars and commentators, even if they have not interpreted all the chpters and verses of the Qur'an, have paid special attention to the interpretation of this chapter and explained it with various methods. Imam Khomeini as one of the influential personalities in the last century and Allameh Tabatabai, one of the prominent commentators of the Holy Quran, have been considered in various ways and one of the prominent examples of Imam Khomeini's works is the interpretation of Artistic interpretation of Surah Hamad. In this research, which is in the form of library, analytical and descriptive methods, the characteristics of Imam Tafsir's interpretation in this field are examined and the differences between their interpretations and Allameh Tabatabai's interpretations are explained. One of their differences is the different methods of interpretation in this surah. Manuscript profile
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        4 - A reflection on the interpretation of similar verses in Shia commentary texts
        Muhaddith  Taqvai Nakhjiri Seyyed Taghi  Kabiri Fatemeh   Khalili
        <p>Dividing the verses of the Qur'an into strong and similar has been the preparation of the holy law in the seventh blessed verse of Surah Al-Imran. But this separation in the beginning set the stage for different opinions and opinions about the interpretation and inte More
        <p>Dividing the verses of the Qur'an into strong and similar has been the preparation of the holy law in the seventh blessed verse of Surah Al-Imran. But this separation in the beginning set the stage for different opinions and opinions about the interpretation and interpretation of similar verses. Courts are not subject to such sensitivity due to the direct, emphatic and explicit reference. But considering the hidden religious, religious, epistemological and scientific characteristics in similar verses, research on these verses is always necessary and important. Understanding the importance of this issue, the present research, using a qualitative method and based on descriptive-analytical approach, has discussed some considerations about the interpretation of similar verses in Shiite exegetical texts. The results of the discussion show that, first of all, most commentators of the Qur'an try to base the interpretation of the parallels on the basis of what is clearly and strictly defined in the verses. Also, some of these interpretations, according to the mystical, philosophical or religious epistemology they are inclined towards, try to reveal the metaphorical and figurative forms that are hidden in the heart of these verses with such tendencies. Reflecting on the type of similarity that exists in these verses is a common feature of all exegetical texts, that is, they pay special attention to the reason for the similarity based on whether it is appropriate, complete, or difficult.</p> Manuscript profile
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        5 - Examining the status of Imam Masoum from the perspective of the inner world
        Tayyebeh  me’mariyan Ma’someh Alsadat  hosseini mirsafi mohamadreza shirazi
        <p>Imamate is the first controversial issue in the history of Islam. After the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), sects and categories emerged among Muslims, among which esotericism was one of the main characteristics of Ismailia among Islamic sects and sects. The main q More
        <p>Imamate is the first controversial issue in the history of Islam. After the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), sects and categories emerged among Muslims, among which esotericism was one of the main characteristics of Ismailia among Islamic sects and sects. The main question of the research is: What are the esoteric thoughts about Imam Masoom? In the esoteric thought, the imam is the absolute representative of God in religious and non-religious matters (outward and inward), and the interpretation of the Qur'an is reserved for the infallible imam, and any kind of learning related to the Sharia or beliefs is possible only through the imam or his representative. The findings of this research show that by examining the early formation and evolution of this religion and the historical conditions affecting it, the reasons and trends of Ismailia's tendency towards esotericism emerged. In the same period, according to the requirements of the discourse governing the Islamic society, the Ismailis decided to present evidence from the Qur'an and the Sunnah to prove their religious and political claims. Therefore, they investigated the position of the infallible Imam in the Qur'an and stated that the words of the Qur'an have an inner meaning that only a few know.</p> Manuscript profile